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7 Signs Your Website Needs Upgraded

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If eyes are windows to the soul, your website is the window to your brand. So ask yourself, what is your company’s site saying to potential customers? Is it time for a website upgrade?

Has your website seen better days?

Have you been keeping it up-to-date or have you let it slide back to the stone-age?

If you are experiencing low conversion rates and slow traffic, your website may need a few tweaks (or a complete makeover). Here are 7 signs that show it might be time to upgrade your website:

1. Your website is over 3 years’ old

Three years might not sound like a long time, but in the digital universe, three years may as well be 300. Since web development is constantly progressing, you need to make sure your site is moving right along with it. New opportunities are always arising to make your site better, faster and leaner. By upgrading your website and making it more user-friendly, visitors will be more likely to stay on site long enough to convert.

2. Your website includes zero links to your brand’s social media sites

Businesses utilise social media channels to spread word about their services and products. It’s an easy way to create interest and reach a broader audience. 80% of online consumers are more likely to purchase from a business they follow on Facebook or Twitter. Linking your website to your social channels will help your customers to better relate to your business, increasing their trust in your brands credibility.

3. Your website’s content hasn’t been updated in lightyears

If your website contains the same content every time a customer visits your site, you risk losing their interest. Out-of-date content will also have a negative impact on your SEO efforts. If your website does not allow you to update content, it may be time to upgrade or switch to a different platform. Content management platforms such as WordPress and Magento, allow users to edit content as often as they please. Platforms such as these, are easy-to-use and enable you to keep tabs on how optimised your web pages are.

4. Your website is non-responsive

Mobile devices will generate 68% of all internet traffic by 2017. Therefore, your website MUST be mobile friendly. If your site is not mobile friendly, you will need a website upgrade or risk losing up to 27% of potential traffic.

5. Your website’s UX Design is Poor

A user friendly website is guaranteed to perform much better than one lacking usability. For example, a website that makes it difficult for customers to navigate is likely to lose customers rather than gain any new ones. A website upgrade will allow you to look closely at the design, layout and usability of your site. Take some time and learn more about your customers. Once you know what your customers want from your site, you can give it to them via the web upgrade process. For example, would customers be happier with a site map? Maybe you should incorporate one into your website. Is your site difficult to navigate? Make it easier for them, etc.

6. No Clear Call to Action’s

As soon as a potential customer visits your site, it’s up to you to grab their attention straight away. Show off all your brand has to offer and don’t be shy. If your website doesn’t include any call to actions, you miss out on potential sales, email sign-ups and written testimonials etc.

7. Slow Loading Web Pages

The faster your website loads, the better. Internet users are impatient and over 50% of them expects your website to load within just 2 seconds! If your site takes too long to load on the screen, visitors will click the little red “x” before they have a chance to be impressed by your brand.

If you feel like it’s time for a website upgrade, give RYCO a call today:

Newry : 028 3026 1861

Belfast : 028 9099 8106

Our team of digital marketing experts and web design Belfast and web design Newry teams can help with any digital marketing Belfastadwords PPC Belfastvideo production Belfastsocial media BelfastSEO BelfastMagento or web design questions you may have.


15 Surprising SEO Facts You DIDN’T Know Existed

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When it comes to SEO facts, you’ve heard it all before, right? Well, we (my fellow RYCO’s and I), have decided to test that theory and showcase our findings right here on our digital marketing blog.

So here it is, 15 of the most surprising SEO facts:

1.  93% of the “online experience” begins with a search engine.

2.  131 billion searches are conducted on search engines each month. (advisorwebsites)

3.  Over 80% of businesses online consider their onsite blogs to be one of the most important assets to their business. (searchenginejournal)

4.  When internet users can’t find what they’re looking for on the first try, 40% will change their chosen keywords. (searchenginewatch)

5.  88% of internet users will connect via their mobile phones when looking to find a local business or establishment. (searchenginewatch)

6.  75% of user clicks goes to the top 5 results on the search engine result pages. (searchenginejournal)

7.  On-page SEO takes up 25% whilst the remaining 75% of SEO takes place off-page.

8.  Worldwide mobile internet users are expected to reach up to 6.2 billion by 2018. (searchenginewatch)

9.  SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate. (searchenginejournal)

10.  65-70% of the search engine market share is owned by Google. (km3media)

11.  Businesses that blog have 434% more indexed pages than does without a company blog. (searchenginejournal)

12.  75% of search engine users never scroll past the first page of search results. (HubSpot)

13.  Organic traffic accounts for 70% of clicked links. (imforza)

14.  Inbound leads cost 61% lower than outbound leads. (searchenginejournal)

15.  80% of internet users ignore the paid ads and instead focus on organic results. (imforza)

And there you have it, 15 surprising SEO facts you never knew existed.

SEO newryAfter seeing the benefits of SEO, you’re probably wondering how you can make SEO work for you and your business. RYCO Marketing can help you get the most out of SEO, helping you to rank higher on SERPs, drive MORE traffic to your website AND increase conversion rates.

What are you waiting for?

Give RYCO a call today:

Our team of digital marketing experts and web design Belfast and web design Newry teams can help with any digital marketingadwordsvideo productionsocial mediaSEO BelfastMagento or web design questions you may have.

Newry : 028 3026 1861
Belfast : 028 9099 8106


ryco digital marketing northern ireland

The Top 8 SEO Trends of 2016

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The new year has begun and with it comes significant shifts in the way SEO influences search engine rankings. As an online business, you must adapt your SEO strategy to better accommodate these changes. Fail to do so and you will be placing the success of your entire company on the line.

So which SEO trends can online businesses expect to see during the course of 2016?


1. Internal links

2016 is the year to optimise your link structure and page information to make things easier for users to navigate your content. The use of internal links, particularly on high-ranking webpages, has increased significantly over recent years. Your online business should make the most out of this trend if you want to see a steady climb in conversions.


2. Mobile-Friendly

A responsive design is crucial, especially if you intend to reach mobile users on the go. Sites that are optimised for mobile rank higher on search engines than those who have yet to jump on the mobile bandwagon. To benefit from this ‘digital movement’, your site should be responsive in terms of design and interaction. Having an app in place is also extremely awarding, especially where SEO is concerned.


3. Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Where would ecommerce be if it weren’t for CRO?

Whilst the basic SEO tactics reel in the traffic, conversion rate optimisation is needed to convert these visitors into paying customers. 2016 is set to use CRO in a more sophisticated and fine-tuned manner.

Web tracking in Google Analytics will also become a necessary and common procedure to help web managers better understand their customers and learn which CRO tactics are most effective.


4. Speedy Loading Times

A slow website will be abandoned by impatient users. Nobody is going to sit around and wait for a site to load when they can simply click on a faster option instead. Not only should your pages load fast on desktops, they should also load quickly on mobile devices. Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to learn more about how your loading times compare to others. 2016 is all about speed!


5. Keyword Research

Businesses must perform keyword analysis in order to find out what are the best words and phrases that are currently being used by internet users who are actively seeking their specific products or services.

In 2016 the easiest way to carry out such research is to use tools like Google’s Keyword planner that will reveal the most relevant keywords (those most likely to generate traffic). It is also wise to structure your website content around these keywords to help gain further interest in your business. Avoid overloading your content with keywords however and instead slip them into the body of the text as naturally as possible.


6. Optimal Content Structure

Providing your users with a good user experience is very important. For this reason, it is advised to ensure that your website’s content is logically structured. Trends in this area include content that has been broken up into more manageable sections by using bullet points, for example. Interactive elements will also play a huge factor towards achieving those top ranking positions in 2016.


7. Tidy Mobile Ads

When it comes to ads on mobile-optimized content, less is more. Mobile pages show fewer ads for obvious reasons and it seems to be that sites with few ads rank higher than those overflowing with too many. Keep your ads to a minimum!


8. Guest Blogging

Blogging is an effective content strategy for reaching your target audience and improving brand credibility etc. Content marketing is of course extremely important. Content in 2016 will be most successful when it is published in a comprehensive format that provides value and relevant information for its users. It is also worth gaining a proper distribution strategy for your content to achieve additional traffic, links and social shares etc.


So there you have it, the most ‘trendiest’ 2016 SEO movements that will have a huge impact on your online business over the next 12 months. Our multi-award winning marketeers and developers are also waiting to help with any digital marketing, adwords,  social mediaSEO Belfast or Magento ecommerce web design questions you may have. We also provide training for third party SEO software tools such as MOZ to ensure you can clearly monitor progress and ensure your campaign is of the highest quality.

So what are you waiting for? Give us a call today on: 028 3026 1861

Branding belfast Northern Ireland, SEO search engine optimisation Belfast Northern Ireland

Search Engines: Helping your SEO Strategy Keep Up with Changing Algorithms

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Think of an algorithm as a data recipe. This recipe holds all of the essential ingredients that search engines require to provide people with the best possible search results.

But what does a search engines algorithm have to do with your website?

It’s simple.

If your website does not contain the necessary ingredients to meet the standards of a search engines algorithm, it will not rank highly on the results page because it will simply go unnoticed and undetected by the adjoining algorithm…this is where Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) steps in.

SEO is a term used to sum up all of the different tactics and procedures that are used to increase the ranking of websites on a search engines result page (SERP). According to Search Engine Journal, SEO leads have a close rate of 14.6% whilst outbound leads (such as print advertising) have a reduced close rate of 1.7%. SEO and online marketing have surpassed the effectiveness of outbound marketing which is largely due to the fact that E-Commerce is the fastest growing retail market of 2015.

Of course, in order for your e-commerce site to benefit from this movement in the market, it needs to incorporate the right methods of SEO for your site. There are several major aspects to a website that an algorithm will scan and use in order to determine how valuable your site is and where exactly in the rankings list it should be placed. These include the Words within your site (including keywords), Titles, Links (both inbound and outbound), Words within Links and the search engines overall Reputation.

Incorporating each of these relevant factors accurately and effectively into your SEO strategy will help to ensure that your website never falls under the radar of any search engine, leading your site towards a brighter future that is less vulnerable and no longer restricted by the ever-changing conducts of search engine algorithms.

Our multi-award digital agency Belfast and winning marketeers/developers are also waiting to help with any digital marketing, adwords, web design belfastsocial mediaSEO Belfast or Magento ecommerce web design questions you may have. We also provide training for third party SEO software tools such as MOZ to ensure you can clearly monitor progress and ensure your campaign is of the highest quality.


Branding belfast, seo search engine optimisation belfast northern ireland company

Advantages of Google for Small Businesses

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) helps to build a business’ online presence using effective, fast and user-friendly websites that automatically rank higher in search engines such as Google and Bing. The higher your website ranks within the long list of search results, the more likely it is that your website targets the right audience,leading to a steady increase in conversion rates and an amplified number of sales. With help from a professional Web Design company such as Ryco Marketing, small businesses can reap huge benefits from using SEO, enlarging their customer base and increasing traffic to their website.

Increase Traffic

As a race, we humans tend to be a little on the lazy side and this couldn’t be more evident than with our online search engagements. People rarely click onto the second or third page of Google and are far more likely to trust that Google has given them the most relevant findings on the first page which is why SEO is so important to small businesses especially. The main reason why businesses, small and large, choose to incorporate SEO into their online marketing strategy is to increase the sheer amount of traffic that visits their site on a daily basis.

It has been proven that a business that uses SEO will expand and grow twice as fast as a business who has not invested in SEO. If you own a small business or your company is fairly ‘new’ it is worth considering using SEO to help your business hit the ground running. Effective SEO will enhance your business’ rankings on search engines, resulting in more regular visitations to your site and subsequently, more customers.

Strive Ahead of your Competitors

Increase your brands credibility and awareness with a successful SEO strategy. Internet users tend to automatically trust that Google will deliver accurate, relevant results and that the most relevant of those results will be right there on the first page of the search. SEO can help your website to be continuously present on search engines whilst dramatically increasing the likelihood that it will reach top rankings. Chances are, your current competitors in your industry have already turned to SEO to deliver fast and effective results for their businesses. A small business will do much better for itself if it uses an optimised site whereas a business who has yet to jump on the SEO bandwagon will have less customers and less opportunities for advancement.

Provides Ultimate User Experience

Investing in SEO is a powerful way in which to deliver high quality user experience for your consumers. A user-friendly website will invite visitors to your site and by using a clear structure with interactive and visual stimulations such as pictures, quality content, blogs, videos and numerous engaging pages etc. customers will want to remain on your site for a longer period of time and be encouraged to take action because of the enthusiasm that your website has generated using effective SEO. Small businesses must adapt SEO into their marketing strategies if they want their business to succeed as an online ecommerce.

Our multi-award digital agency Belfast and winning marketeers/developers are also waiting to help with any digital marketing, adwords, web design belfastsocial mediaSEO Belfast or Magento ecommerce web design questions you may have. We also provide training for third party SEO software tools such as MOZ to ensure you can clearly monitor progress and ensure your campaign is of the highest quality.